
Cubeamajigs Series 2

Created by Hit Point Press

Reusable Gaming packs and storage solutions for Magic the Gathering (MtG), Cube, and TCGs.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Timeline Update, Holiday Hours + Artist Spotlight: Livia Prima!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 11:03:51 PM

Hey backers!

We hope everyone is staying safe and warm during the holiday season! We have an update on what you can expect regarding our production timeline and fulfillment, holiday hours, as well as another Artist Spotlight, this time featuring Livia Prima!

Check it out!

Production Timeline Update

Here is a rundown of where we are in the process and what we expect the rest of the project to look like. We’re a little behind where we anticipated, but we’re making good headway! This timeline also takes into account Lunar New Year since our manufacturers are overseas and will experience closures to celebrate.

Below is what we’re working on as we enter the new year!

  •  Cubeamajigs - Final prototyping is complete and we’re finalizing exports for production
  •  Podamajigs - Final prototyping is complete and we’re finalizing exports for production
  •  Sleeves - Proofing is complete and they are in production! Currently slated to complete in March
  •  Playmats - Final prototyping is complete and we’re finalizing exports for production

Based on the timeline, we anticipate all production will be completed in March! From there rewards will ship to us, then the team will process rewards to ship out to backers. We anticipate fulfillment to occur in May, 2022.

We know this is a change from our original projected date and we apologize for the delay! Thank you for your patience and we can’t wait to get your rewards in your hands.

Mosaic Box Mock Up

A few of you have been interested in what the final mosaic boxes will look like! We've found it's a tough decision between being accurate and making a good looking box. Below is the current iteration of what we're proposing! The top and front will showcase a snippet of each design included, with the sides featuring a collage of the pieces.

Mosaic: Mock Up

Podamajigs Final Iteration

Prototyping the Podamajig is complete! Take a look at the following video and list of improvements we were able to make.

1) Subtle spot UV logo

2) Angular cut hand holds for easier opening

3) Crisp edges/corners on top box

4) Patterned interior

Artist Spotlight - Livia Prima

Livia is an Art Director at Polar Engine studio and paints illustrations for Magic: The Gathering, Riot, Dota 2, Plarium, Square Enix, and more! You can find her at @dopaprime on Twitter and Instagram.

It is such an exciting chance to design and illustrate your own Necromancer. It reminds me a lot of my 'Liliana, the Necromancer' MTG card illustration. During the process of creating this character, I was imagining as if she was Liliana in an alternate universe. I wanted her to have long silver hair, and to wear a classic fantasy black dress, with a little touch of modern design.

Thinking about her ability to bring the dead to life, I was reminded of how the Night King in Game of Thrones resurrects the dragon, Viserion, into an ice zombie dragon. It’s always super cool to have a dragon as a part of your entourage, am I right? :)

Holiday Hours

The holidays are upon us! Please be aware that Hit Point Press is closing between Christmas and New Year. From December 24th until the 31st, both the warehouse and support operations will cease until we return January 3rd. Our team will respond to all inquiries as soon as we’re able in the new year, thank you for your patience!

This is also the last update of 2021! Have a wonderful holiday season and we’ll see you in 2022!

 Have questions? Check out the FAQ here! 

Have a question that isn’t answered in the FAQ? Leave a comment, e-mail us at [email protected] or join the Discord!

Mini Update + Artist Spotlight: Jarel Threat
about 3 years ago – Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 06:04:35 PM

Hey backers!

We have a mini update for you! Design is being finalized and proofing is occurring for most items from the campaign. We’ll update you when there’s more movement! In the meantime, please check out this Artist Spotlight on Jarel Threat!

Artist Spotlight - Jarel Threat on the process of creating Spirits for the campaign

"I have always been a fan of painting ghosts, spectres and spirits so getting the opportunity to create one for Cubeamajigs was exciting. When I initially got the brief, I was relieved and anxious with how open it was. A double edged sword sometimes. Having an open description gave me a chance to think freely, with no restrictions of action but on the other hand, it makes it harder to focus and narrow down an intent and concept. After thinking on it for a couple of days, I found my focus and made a few thumbnails.

The first thing I always consider when making a piece the way that I do is the size and crop. Since this piece was a square and had to be cropped, it was important to keep all the relevant information in the center. The sketches I submitted fulfilled this purpose. With a sketch selected, the next decision in question was the painting itself.

Most of the time, I keep the size of my paintings on the smaller side, 11x14” - 18x24”. Recently, I’ve had the urge to work bigger. Not only that but the specs of the file had to be 20x20 with 450dpi. This is a huge file so working small would not be advantageous. With those factors in mind, I decided to work on a 30x30 canvas.

I enjoy each part of the painting process because each layer has a purpose and adds to whole. With my process, every layer is seen in one way or another. From the underpainting to the final glaze. One thing I particularly enjoyed was the color scheme. This was a new experience for me. Every night time scene I’ve done previously always had a blue or cyan cast to it. The main focus would either be a warm or a dark value accent. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone so I pretty much reversed the effect. A warm, yellow cast with a light value, cool green accent. I was very pleased to find that it still reads as a night scene. Overall, a very eye opening experience."

Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds Kickstarter is live!

Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds is a 5th edition campaign setting based on the hit Youtube series by Dingo Doodles and Felix Irnich. Are you ready to delve into the world's deadliest jungle, where everything wants to kill you?

Check it out!

 Have questions? Check out the FAQ here! 

Have a question that isn’t answered in the FAQ? Leave a comment, e-mail us at [email protected] or join the Discord!


The Hit Point Press Team

PLEASE READ: Surveys Are Live + Commonly Asked Questions + Product Previews
over 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 01:58:22 PM

Set Sail! Surveys are on their way!

Surveys have been sent out, thank you for your patience!

We ask that you complete it as soon as possible so we can start to prepare our orders with the production facility. The longer this step takes the longer we have to wait for the product! We’re looking to get 80% of the surveys filled before production starts so we can ensure we have enough for everyone.


You’ve sent the surveys out but I didn’t get it. What do I do?

Double-check what e-mail you used to back the Kickstarter at the time of your pledge! That’s what gets pulled to BackerKit and where the survey will be sent to.

Check your junk folder! Sometimes the surveys get swept up by spam filters and removed from your primary inbox.

Use this link to send your survey again! Ensure you submit the email you used to make your original pledge.

If you still can’t locate the survey and don’t receive it by the end of the month, send a message to support at [email protected] and we’ll look into the issue further.

 I can't see what I've selected in my survey!

Sadly, the way that BackerKit allows us to bundle items is through the survey - which doesn't show what you've selected as you're going through it. 

Good news! You'll be able to review your selection on the confirmation page on the bottom left side -->

Why did I get credit on BackerKit?

To make things easier for you when selecting your rewards in BackerKit, every backer gets credit equal to the amount they pledged minus shipping. This will allow you to select any product or bundle with ease!

Please note: That if you ordered a bundle, please select the appropriate bundle at the top of the Add-Ons page to get that discount.

 Can I upgrade my pledge through the survey?

Yes! When you get your survey hit the button below "Get Started". This will enable you to up your pledge tier in case you've decided you want a different deal!

My payment didn’t go through and I was dropped from the Kickstarter. What do I do?

Don’t panic! You should still receive the BackerKit survey and you’ll be able to pay for your pledge there.

When will my card be charged?

Cards won’t be charged for pledge upgrades or add-ons right away when you complete the survey. We will start charging when we know product is en route to the warehouse. We'll be sure to post updates regarding this.

I missed the campaign. When will late pledges be open? 

Late pledges are now live! If someone you know missed out, they can place an order through this link!:

Product Previews

Here's a preview of what the products will look like! Layouts aren't final and subject to change, but this is really close to the final product.

Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment, e-mail us at [email protected] or join the Discord!


The Cubeamajigs Team

Product Previews + Backerkit Smoke Test
over 3 years ago – Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 04:05:02 AM

Hey backers!

Thanks again to everyone who's supported us! We're in the final stages of getting the survey built and ready to send out to you. There's just a few more steps!

 What’s left? Smoke test today/tomorrow! 

We will be sending smoke tests today/tomorrow to ensure everything with the surveys goes smoothly. What happens during the test, is a small percentage of backers will get their surveys. The feedback from that test will tell us if there are any errors or issues with the survey that need to be addressed before we send it out to everyone. When it comes back with no errors, we’ll be sending the rest out in batches early next week! Keep an eye on your inbox!

When the surveys go out, we ask that you complete it as soon as possible so we can make our orders with the production facility. The longer this step takes the longer we have to wait for the product! We’re looking to get 80% of the surveys filled before production starts so we can ensure we have enough for everyone.

Please note: Only 10% of Backers will get the Smoke Test!


 Surveys will drop September 2nd the latest! 

We'll post an update when the survey goes out. Not much longer now!

 Common Question: I got Credit?

To make things easier for you when selecting your rewards in backerkit we made it so that every backer got credit equal to the amount they pledged minus shipping. This will allow you to select any product or bundle with ease!

Please note: That if you ordered a bundle, please select the appropriate bundle at the top of the Add-Ons page to get that discount.

 Common Question: Can I upgrade my pledge through the survey?

Yes! When you get your survey hit the button below "Get Started". This will enable you to up your pledge tier in case you've decided you want a different deal!

 Common Question: My payment didn’t go through and I was dropped from the Kickstarter. What do I do? 

Don’t panic! You should still receive the BackerKit survey and you’ll be able to pay for your pledge there.

 Common Question: I missed the campaign. When will late pledges be open? They're now live!

Late pledges are now live! If you had a friend or colleague who missed out share this link with them!

Art Finals!

The art is all in, and the designers are hard at work prepping the products for production! Here's the last pieces 

Faeries - Triple Trouble (by Jeff Miracola)
Brass Palace (by Anthony Scott Waters)
Mausoleum Spectre (by Jarel Threat)

Product Previews

Here's a preview of what the products will look like! Layouts aren't final and subject to change, but this is really close to the final product.

Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment, e-mail us at [email protected] or join the Discord!


The Cubeamajigs Team

Celebrate! The Campaign has Ended! + New Art + Final Pod/Mat Selections
over 3 years ago – Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 04:06:13 PM

Without You, We Couldn't Have Done It!

We’re so incredibly grateful to our backers, contributors, and colleagues who made the campaign such a success! Thank you all so much for your support and enthusiasm for Cubeamajigs Series 2.

What’s Next?

  • Kickstarter processes pledges

Kickstarter is going to begin to process payments for this campaign and the process can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks. When we get confirmation from them that this step is complete, we’ll send out BackerKit surveys!

  • BackerKit surveys go out!

Surveys will then be sent out to collect your shipping details along with your pledge and add-ons. Here is where you'll select your designs and also upgrade your pledge or add additional add-ons as well! This will be open until we lock addresses before fulfillment, but to guarantee your order, we suggest filling out the survey as soon as possible.

Did you or a friend miss out on backing the campaign? It’s not too late!

Preorders will open soon! Everything that's been unlocked will be available for preorder.

Click here to be notified when preorders launch!

Thanks again to everyone who’s supported us throughout the campaign. 💖

New Art Previews

As a part of the final art stretch goal, we promised 2 more pieces of art and brought on two more amazing artists to the project.  Please note these are previews and not the final piece! Enjoy!

Faeries by Jeff Miracola

Faeries by Jeff Miracola

Mausoleum Specter by Jarel Threat 

Mausoleum Specter by Jarel Threat

Vote #6 Results (1321 Votes)

The votes are in for vote #6! Thanks to everyone who voted, here are the results.

Podamajigs x1

38.8% The Necromancer by Livia Prima (WINNER)

30.7% Alicorn Retreat by Isle Gort

16.9% Angels Dawn by Marta Nael

13.7% Brass Palace by Anthony Waters

Playmats x1

34.8% The Necromancer by Livia Prima (WINNER)

34.4% Alicorn Retreat by Isle Gort

16.5% Angels Dawn by Marta Nael

14.4% Brass Palace by Anthony Waters

Vote #7 Results (981 Votes)

The votes are in for vote #7! Thanks to everyone who voted, here are the results.

Podamajigs x1

29.6% Channel the Ancestors by Jeremy Wilson (WINNER)

28.1% Terror at Grebly Manor by Jason Engle

18.8% Demonic Insight by Joe Slucher

23.5% Crumbling Metropolis by Anthony Scott Waters

Playmats x1

28.2% Terror at Grebly Manor by Jason Engle  (WINNER)

26.8% Channel the Ancestors by Jeremy Wilson

26.3% Crumbling Metropolis by Anthony Scott Waters

18.7% Demonic Insight by Joe Slucher

Hit Point Press Picks!

As part of the final stretch goals, the team here at Hit Point Press is selecting some of the final designs to be made into Podamajigs and Playmats!

Dragon Tempest by Tom Babbey (Podamajig & Playmat)

Faeries by Jeff Miracola (Podamajig & Playmat)

Crumbling Metropolis (Azul) by Anthony Scott Waters (Podamajig & Playmat)


Any design that either won Podamajiag or Playmat separately, we're making both! See below for a master list of what's being offered!

Final Product Previews?

Before we send out the Backerkit surveys we'll be posting a master update that showcases every Cubeamajig, Podamajig, Playmat, and Sleeve that will be available to select so that you can make the most informed decision when choosing your pledge rewards. Keep an eye out for it! In the meantime take a look at this master spreadsheet of all the options!'

Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment, e-mail us at [email protected] or join the Discord!


The Hit Point Press Team